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Skywire Nano Developer Documentation

The Skywire Nano provides two different modes of operation: as a standalone modem with an AT interface; and as a host device for custom firmware applications. The Skywire Nano allows for both modes to be available by isolating network connectivity management, FOTA, and other core functions in its "boot loader" and "stack" firmware images and implementing the modem AT interface in separate application firmware.

Each Skywire Nano device comes from the factory with its NimbeLink software pre-programmed, and has an end-device carrier certification, regardless of mode of operation, letting customers immediately deploy it as a standalone modem or with their custom application to the field.

If you are using the Skywire Nano in the AT interface modem mode, the AT command manual can be found on the NimbeLink webpage for the Skywire Nano here.

If you are using the Skywire Nano in the application firmware mode, the documentation for application development begins here.