Firmware Split
This version of firmware splits the full device functionality into two different firmware images: stack; and AT interface. The stack firmware contains the bulk of the network handling and base functionality, while the AT interface firmware contains the shipping front-end UART interface.
The AT interface firmware can now be overwritten by customers' own firmware built for the Skywire Nano platform.
Fixes/Changes from v0.8.7
Fixed potential silent errors in boot loader
Introduced new MQTT AT commands in the AT interface firmware
TLS session caching in the co-processor modem is now off by default, fixing potential lockups in connect()
Added the ability to save UART baud rate and flow control settings in Non-volatile
Added the ability to disable the secondary kernel logging UART entirely
Fixed co-processor firmware update URCs not being shown
Enabled MCUBoot's ‘boot strapping’ feature. The feature can be used at startup using a GPIO, and the update is done using the 128-byte XMODEM UART protocol
Fixed printing \r\r\n when an AT command is entered
AT commands are slightly stricter about matching entered commands
Packet domain notifications can now be turned on or off using the AT+CGEREP command
Improved handling of SIM caching, including better handling when a SIM is not present
Fixed various AT command test outputs, including:
- Fixed mistakenly using [] to show available arguments instead of ()
- Fixed showing a double ^Z in AT#XTCPSEND
- Fixed not showing length as optional in AT#XUDPSENDTO
Fixed issue with large integer values causing issues with some AT commands such as AT+CFUN=65535
Two firmware versions will now be shown with AT#APPVER? when using the UART-based AT interface
Updated handling of AT+CLAC to leave AT commands that exist in the nRF9160 co-processor firmware in their original places
Fixed AT#SERNUM=? being treated like a read instead of a test
Fixed cases where settings saved in non-volatile memory weren't properly flushed to storage
Added a new AT#UART command for doing multiple UART operations at once and on any available UART port
- This will allow combining AT+IPR and AT+IFC operations into a single AT command, and it will allow targeting either the UART-based AT interface port or the kernel logging port. A read with this command will show the current settings for both ports.
Added a new mailbox interface for debuggers
Improved kernel logging output by reducing unnecessary output messages, and added new meaningful output messages
Changed handling of AT%XSYSTEMMODE to permit usage of Narrow Band by users
Fixed potentially showing invalid sockets in AT#XSOCKET?
Made automatic socket closing slightly less aggressive
Fixed potential issues with binary data in socket reading and writing in both AT#XTCPRECV and AT#XTCPRECVFROM
XMODEM-based DFUs are now available in addition to the existing FOTA path with AT#FWUPD
Changed URCs shown during firmware updates -- both XMODEM-based and FOTA-based -- to use "DFU"
Added throttling DFU URC events to only occur every 5%
Added additional error numbers for DFU URCs
Added an additional parameter to AT#FOTA -- and included one in the new AT#FWUPD command -- to prevent automatic rebooting of the device when download complete
LWM2M will now start immediately upon boot, rather than being delayed 5 seconds
Known Issues
Using a hostname for a TLS secure socket will result in a memory leak in the Nordic co-processor firmware, resulting in a likely system hang after ~22 iterations of socket opening, connecting, and closing. The TLS credentials ("tags") can still be used.
There is no protocol available for turning the AT interface's UART back on when turned off using AT#UART=1,0
".noinit" linker sections for RAM will not work properly in application firmware
The MQTT client in the AT interface firmware does not support hostname verification
No DFU URC is generated when stopping using either AT#XFOTA=0 or AT#FWUPD=0
The AT%XMAGPIO set command does not work and returns an error